Let's start with the bad and end with the good, shall we? Harrison throws you into this story without a life vest. She throws you in without swimmies. You've got to fight through the first few chapters, trying to figure out what the hell is going on because you don't know the characters, the world, what's happened to the main character to get her into the situation she's in, and you probably don't care. Perhaps she does this on purpose.
But, it's not well done.
It's aggravating and I almost gave up reading. Why did I continue? The little I could understand was interesting and easy to read, so I kept going. Around half-way through the book, I realized I was into the story. I was into the Grace, the guardian angel who composes limericks. I liked Madison when she wasn't vrooming wildly between goth and faux-aggressive Buffy-esque chick. The plot, when you threw away all the overly-dramatic bits, was pretty darned good.
By the time I got to the end, I was happy I had stuck it out. I liked the resolution of the action and I found the premise interesting enough that I added the sequel to my library wishlist, and I looked for the novella that probably came before! Sure, the last chapter was sort of cheesy, but the chapters that preceded it were so strong that I was willing to forgive and forget.
Verdict: 6. I'm glad I kept reading this book, even though I struggled through the beginning chapters. I think if I had not finished it, I would have mentally given it a 3 or 4, but the ending showed so much promise, that I ratcheted up the score.
Thoughts: I know that Kim Harrison likes to write in anthologies, but this is ridiculous. The beginning of this book practically required that you had pre-read Prom Nights From Hell
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